Sunday, October 11, 2009

First Suit Coat

Yesterday I bought John his first suit coat for $5 at a fabulous consignment sale. These photos are from before Mass this morning.

Reading his missal, pointing out the priest who is "like Fr. R---!"

Just like Daddy!

"Blessing" the forehead of the St. Francis statue

EDIT: It turns out that our bishop was celebrating the Mass today, so John got to meet Bishop Jugis, receive a blessing from him at Communion, and after Mass John met the bishop in the traditional way: genuflecting and kissing his ring. Wow!


  1. John's all ready for his first GOP convention! So cute!

  2. awww- he is so precious Katherine! just look at him!!

    i love how he matches daddy too!

    [love the bishop thing too - we had a homeschool Mass on thurs. and the NEW aux. bishop of ATL offered Mass - so our family got to receive Holy Communion/Blessings from him. What a great grace!]
