Monday, August 3, 2009

Fun Is . . .

Fun is when your two-year-old is blowing raspberries on your stomach and your eight-month-old is blowing raspberries on your leg and all three of you are laughing hysterically.

And this video is of the fun the kids were having in the kitchen this morning. John is really starting to purposefully entertain Mary. On our drive this afternoon, John was making construction equipment sounds at Mary the whole time, making her laugh endlessly. Then the kids would reach for each other between their car seats, barely be able to touch fingertips, then fall into peals of laughter. Tonight Mary was crying and John said quickly, "I need to make her laugh!" There are difficulties with siblings, but sweet times too.


  1. There aren't too many things in life better than that kind of laughter from little ones!!

  2. I LOVE the laughter. Baby laughter is the BEST.
    Love the Norman Rockwell print. Thinking about getting one for over here.
