Thursday, July 9, 2009

Disappointment is . . .

. . . thinking it is 8:56 p.m. and that you can put the toddler to bed (when you're especially tired because you're suffering your first-ever case of mastitis with its flu-like symptoms), but then when you take said toddler upstairs, you discover that the clock in the den was wrong because of a power outage and it is really only seven o'clock so you have to stay awake with said toddler for two more hours.


  1. Oh no! That makes me disappointed just reading it! That's like having an extreme urge to put the kids to bed at 5:30 after a return to Standard Time just because it's dark out. lol

    I've had mastitis three times, and it is no fun. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Oh, that is just CRUEL TORTURE! :-/

  3. Oh my goodness! I'm sorry. Offering up my own fatigue for you.


  4. I hope you're already feeling better. Mastitis sounds like no fun at all! Are you on antibiotics or is it possible to fight it without them?

  5. Thanks, Frances and all. I am feeling better. Mastitis can be treated without antibiotics (although not rarly they are necessary and I'm in great support of them). As a first line of defense, I tried a (non-LLL) treatment Id heard of several times. I drank one teaspoon of Redmond's sea salt in eight ounces of water, then continued to drink plain water over the hours. I drank it in the late evening, was up most of the night feeling like I had the flu, but by morning I felt improved. I stayed in pajamas and took it easy all day and felt well by evening.
