Monday, July 6, 2009

California Day 9

Today was a quiet day of attending Mass, children and parents napping, and trying the new Thai restaurant at Cindy's for dinner (great food, slow service). We've packed our luggage and are ready for a long day of travel tomorrow. Please pray for us!

I can hardly believe this trip is almost over. It has flown by this time. A huge thanks go to my husband for taking so long off work to come with me this time. His help taking care of the children meant I could really enjoy myself instead of being exhausted by taking care of the kids all by myself while in a foreign environment and trying to visit family and friends (driving to and fro, being off routine).

Mary lying back on Gramma, looking into her eyes soulfully.

John became hyper at dinner, which was difficult because the slow service meant we were trapped there with a very energetic boy. On our drive home, with John euphemistically pinging off the walls, he began doing a sort of drill sergeant's version of singing the ABCs, singing them over and over and over again . . .

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