Saturday, July 4, 2009

California Day 7

This always happens: Toward the end of my trip, I start forgetting to take photos, which is why I don't have a photo from having breakfast with my dear friend and Catholic bookstore owner Tish. I visit her store about once per year and I make the most of it! Chris gave me the great gift of driving with me to breakfast, then occupying John elsewhere so Tish and I could enjoy our breakfast burritos and "talk books" in peace!

Then Chris drove me and the kids on to my next date, at which I got together with some friends of mine from my former editing days (although our dear friend Rebecca F. was unavailable to join us!). In the photo are Janeane (pregnant) with two-and-a-half-year-old Emma; me with Mary (7 months) and John (two-and-a-half); and Cathleen with 14-month-old Theo.

Mary really held her own, crawling around with three bigger kids. She didn't get bonked or squished once!

Emma and John playing car wash.

Theo and Mary making music.

Emma and John playing golf with a little sieve and a ball.
Riding giraffes makes a boy thirsty! (Someone trained in occupational therapy would notice that John is drinking out of his straw wrong in that he's putting the straw in between his molars to create jaw stability because he is hyposensitive to the sensation of where the straw is in his mouth. Little factoids most people wouldn't notice!)

In the late afternoon, I walked around downtown Davis all too briefly with my friend Amy on her way out of town and, again!, I have no photos.


  1. I love Mary's outfit! That is certainly her color!!!

    It looks like you are having a wonderful time! I'm so glad, :)

  2. interesting capture of the straw thing.

  3. We really enjoyed our visit. Emma kept asking to see pictures of John after you three left. And she's been calling one of her dolls "Baby Mary."
