Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sewing Repairs

I dread making sewing repairs. In fact, at our old home in Atlanta I hung clothing needing sewing repairs in the guest room closet, but never got to the task. Then we moved into the apartment in Charlotte and I moved my clothing-for-repair to the new home. Then we moved into our current home and I moved the same clothing-for-repair. And I still haven't repaired them!

Anyway, today I finally sat down to sew a button a pair of Chris' pants. I was faced with khaki pants #1 that needed a new button, khaki pants #2 that simply needed to be ironed, and khaki pants #3 that had ragged cuffs and needed to be discarded. Where would I get a button for pants #1? I know, I could take them off the ragged pants which were going to be discarded. What a thrifty, clever idea! I removed the button from one pair of pants and sewed them onto the first pair of pants.

Then I grabbed the pair of pants to be ironed and noticed that they were missing a button. How did I miss that earlier?! Then I realized that I had removed the button from the perfectly fine pants that simply needed to be ironed. Oh, such irritation! So then I removed a button from the ragged pants, sewed them onto pants #2, and was done with it all.

This is why I avoid sewing needles and irons for as long as possible!


  1. Ha! Sounds like a case of "mommy brain" to me! :-)

  2. Katherine...a paradox of sort: Your MIL suggests you send the entire job to that cleaner that picks up and delivers! Slight extra charge for sewing on buttons. In fact my cleaner will often do that for free if the button is in the pocket. Love Dottie

  3. Hee hee...totally sounds like something I'd do!!! I put such things off as well.

  4. And I thought I was the only one who put off such tasks! ;)

  5. Sorry to laugh at your misfortune, but lol. :-)
