Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mark Your Calendars

Last night John slept all night alone without need for parenting (without crying, without calling for us), from about 9:30 p.m. to 7:15 a.m. (That is later than usual on both ends because we are shifting him to West Coast time in advance.)

Our sweet boy has always been a difficult sleeper and still usually requires at least three parentings-back-to-sleep per night. Often more. A couple of months ago, Chris was on a business trip and I had to get up twelve times in one night for John.

We hope last night represents a trend!


  1. That is awesome! I do hope it continues! I'm glad I'm not the only one, though, with babies like this. That's my youngest all over. He's up every hour and will only sleep while I'm holding him. I am very tired.

  2. YAY for John!!! And yay for Mom and Dad, who definitely could use a break from all the nighttime awakenings, I'm sure. :-)

  3. Courtney: Nope, your kids are not the only ones. Your little one definitely sounds like John as a baby. He slept no longer than one to two hours until nearly two years old. Now a really good stretch is three hours.

  4. Chris pointed out this morning that we had to wait 933 days for John to sleep truly through the night. Isn't it outlawed by international agencies to wake a person all night long? Some kind of torture?

    But if we're fortunate enough to be blessed with children one after another, I expect it to be more like 4,283 days until we're consistently able to sleep all night. And then we'll have teenagers to keep us awake with worrying!

  5. Hurray!!! I'm so happy to hear this! I know how hard it can be to be awakened throughout the night like that.

    Although Emma is a fairly good sleeper, she does go through phases of poor sleep. And currently, she won't sleep anywhere but with us.

  6. Three hours sounds like heaven right now, lol. It's really the fact that he WON'T nurse sidelying that gets me. I wouldn't feel so disrupted then, I think. Oh, and the thrashing! Ay yi yi. Motherhood!

  7. Courtney: I'm so sorry your baby won't nurse sidelying! I just can't imagine how I'd cope.

  8. Perhaps he slept with my picture again last night! (Lauer humor)

    Fly with the angels! love you, mom
