Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday Walk

John eating "party cake," as he called it. Yesterday I made sweet potato bread, although maybe "bread" should have quotations around it, considering how much sugar was in it. Adaptations I made to the recipe were: I cut the sugar in half, I replaced half the oil with unsweetened apple sauce, and I omitted the raisins (or John wouldn't have eaten it). It was still very sweet and moist, and the crust was deliciously crunchy.
In the afternoon we went for a walk. Neighborhood walks with John are rather exasperating because, typical of a two-year-old, he wants to alternate between running full tilt down the street, making me run after him and feeling scared that a car will whiz around the corner, and being the poky little puppy, stopping to look at every speck, rock, bug, and piece of dust. But I know it's good for him to explore, so I take him on these very slow walks in which I have to suffer becoming all sweaty in the sun, yet get no benefit of exercise. (Whine, whine.) In the above picture he is sitting to rest, showing me his walking stick and rock. (I noticed at the end of the day that John had refused to look at me in every photo.)

This is a rock along our walking route on which John must stop to sit every single time we pass it.

1 comment:

  1. I've been so fortunate not to have experienced a toddler taking off in the street! That has to be scary! "Pokey Little Puppy," yes...SO many rocks, sticks, and flowers to pick up along the way. :)
