Monday, May 25, 2009


When does a child grow old enough that sleeping photos are no longer so endearing to Mama and Daddy?

What a beautiful photo of Mary and her Grandmom.

John's cousins have a bird named Kiwi, which John has been talking about ("the bird with red cheeks!") since John met him on our last visit. Here John is getting a good look with binoculars.

The idea of this "Jeep," as John called it, thrilled him, but after John accidentally stepped on the gas pedal and the truck lurched forward, he could not be induced to try it again. Each time I offered to show him how to drive it, he said sweetly, "No, thanks." He just wanted to sit in the seat. Our little cautious boy!

And why is Mary naked (wearing a diaper) in her car seat, you ask? Let's just say that she produced an indelicate mess that ruined her outfit and coated much of her car seat. We were on a stretch of highway without any stops with restaurants or rest stops for about an hour, so we ultimately pulled over into an empty construction site to clean up. I was crammed in between the two car seats in back and ended up laying a clean cloth diaper across my lap and cleaning up Mary on my lap in those very close quarters with Chris helping wipe down the seat as best we could. The weather was warm, so she spent the rest of the trip clad only in a diaper.


  1. and to answer your question about the sleeping "angels": never - they are just so sweet and peaceful :) Unless they're in bed with YOU and jabbing their knees into your back and slapping you in the face when they "roll over"... not so cute - LOL

  2. I love sleeping photos...just so sweet (and peaceful).

    Yet I agree with Shelly. Emma's been sleeping with us a lot lately, and last night I kept waking up with a little leg thrown over my neck! How can such tiny creatures take up so much space in a bed?
