Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Operation Storm Watch and Aunt Erica

Aunt Erica arrived from Oregon at the same time as our own Charlotte-sized "blizzard"! Here is Erica meeting Mary, who is currently quite a Mama's girl and doesn't want anyone else to hold her.
John woke up Tuesday morning to discover snow outside and that Aunt Erica had arrived in the middle of the night. How exciting! Watching her bundle him up for the snow reminded me of that scene in "A Christmas Story" . . .

John's first sleigh ride!

This is the rock in the yard where John likes to sit and think about matters.

Hot cocoa after playing in the snow!


  1. Oooo! Lucky y'all! How exciting; that looks like so much fun!!

  2. We love the sleigh pictures! So glad you guys can use it. What a wise purchase!! ;)
    Love, Aunt Holly

  3. You and your Aunt Erica look so much alike! She and your mother are twins, right?

  4. "I can't put my arms down!" :)

    How fun!!!! I wish we would have had a sled for Emma during our trip to Tahoe last time.

  5. Yes, Erica and Mom are identical twins. :)

  6. oh what fun!! glad y'all got some snow.

  7. LOL! The pondering rock!! That is so hilarious and reminds me so much of my BIL.
