Monday, January 19, 2009

On Monday, Neil's last morning here, we took the commuter train from our suburban area to downtown.

We walked around downtown, stopping at this fountain, before eating lunch at a restaurant.

Then it was time to take the train back to our car and drive Neil to the airport. As we were driving away, I could hear John in his car seat, with his plaintive, tiny toddler voice saying, "Bye, Grampa . . . bye, Grampa . . ."
This evening, Chris took some cute video of two-month-old Mary cooing, as she was making friends with the orange fish (when normally she only has eyes for the green whale):

As I post this to the blog, Chris is at the airport picking up Aunt Erica who will be visiting for a week! I told him that I hope they don't get lost in a snow drift. Charlotte is predicted to receive one to five inches of snow tonight, so the grocery store was a mad house when I was there this afternoon and the talk radio station kept talking about Operation Storm Watch: "We have our reporters stationed all over the city, ready to report all storm conditions to you!" It's all very dramatic.


  1. Katherine! You look fantastic! What a nice visit it looks like y'all are having.
    Now i'm off to look at that video of Mary...

  2. I am laughing at the 5 inches of about having a few FEET every other day!!!!!????? You do have my sympathy though. Being snowed in with young children requires much patience.

  3. The video of Mary is too sweet!
    I hope you are surving Winter Blizzard 2009 ;)

  4. And I also meant to say that Mary is looking more and more like John each day. You can definitely tell they're siblings!

  5. 1-5 inches, oh dear! Goodness, I would love that for a change! I think we're closing in on 120 inches and it's only January! Bexo, you sound like you live in the Land of Snow too!

    You do look great, and Mary is so sweet tucked in the sling. I cannot believe she's two months already. Goodness, how time flies. My baby recently graduated to back carries!
