Friday, December 26, 2008

Two Videos

Something John enjoyed in the days preceding Christmas was playing with the boxes each time they arrived at the front door. Here, John was endlessly jumping off this box, saying: "Ready? Ready? I jump! Again!"

John used his stool to climb onto his cardboard box house (now in his bedroom) and was trying to climb onto his bookshelf, which is when I found him. He kept crying a word I didn't understand, until I figured out that he was saying "losary" and wanted his rosary from the top shelf. He sometimes says "l" for "r," which we figured out only after a couple of worrisome days of his trying to say (and mispronouncing) "clap"!

1 comment:

  1. lol I can't believe you didn't get more comments on the "clap" comment. I'm still laughing. Ha ha ha...
