During Chris' Christmas vacation from work (the whole company shuts down), we've been switching around some rooms. Chris moved his office from a bedroom upstairs to the front room downstairs (to which we added French doors to keep out small rascals). Chris' old bedroom office became John's bedroom. John's old bedroom because the guest room and Mama's office/sewing room. And the old guest room became Mary's future bedroom.
Yesterday when the old bedroom office had been emptied, John had so much fun dancing in it:
Below are photos of John's new bedroom. The door is to the left.

The wonderful built-in bookshelves and cupboards! (The printer won't stay there, but hadn't been moved yet when I took the photo.)

We'll be buying John a twin bed, but for now I just put a crib mattress on the floor. (Mary was napping in her swing while I took photos.)

The walk-in closet will serve as a play room. (The regular closet is to the right in this photo.)

Inside the playroom:
Aahh!! The closet-turned-playroom is the darlingest little nook!! I so wish I had something like that! Great idea.