Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Future Model?

On Tuesday we went as a family to grocery shop at Trader Joe's. The clerk gave John some stickers at check-out, one of which John placed in his hair and is showing off here ("smiling"):
Miss Mary may have a future as a model because of her frequent pursed-lip facial expression, reminiscent of "The Magnum" (a la Zoolander).

Miss Chubby Cheeks! She's only two weeks old?

On Wednesday I had my final postnatal appointment. Mary weighed in at 9 lbs 4 oz, which means she has gained 10 ounces in the last seven days! (I'm told that the average is six ounces per week at this age.) She has not grown in length yet, so all that weight is chubb!


  1. The "Magnum," huh? Hmmm, looks a lot like "Blue Steel" to me. ;)

  2. That's how big Leo was at birth - 9 lbs, 4 oz! Glad to hear everyone is doing well :-)

  3. I love Zoolander! My kids did Blue Steel as well as newborns ;)

  4. Sarah: Because now we have our girl and boy, our "perfect family," don't ya know? ;)

    I just meant that this is the last check-up my midwife is planning for me since the delivery was totally without complications. There's nothing more to check. But I told her, "I'll see you again in a year or two, God willing!"
