Thursday, November 6, 2008

Big Chip!

Currently, John is keen on declaring things that are "big." He points out everything that is big versus little. What is especially endearing is that he has to shout "BIG!!!" and he usually clenches his fists and quivers a little bit. BIG TRAIN! BIG ROCK! BIG RABBIT!

Chris and I were in stitches over dinner because John kept shouting, "BIG CHIP!" and maybe we're really fatigued, but that struck us as funny. Now, I'll have to confess here, we've been feeding our toddler chips as bribes to get him to eat other food (mainly at dinner time). It's terrible, we know. But it's working really well. If he eats one bite of such-and-such healthy food, then he gets one bite of chip. They're baked chips and we give him a little shard at a time. I'm completely embarrassed that we've stooped so low, but we've also seen John's eating improve dramatically. He's eating much more protein and more quantity and variety of food. Also, he's finally discovering that he likes some foods, so he'll forget to ask for his chip until he's taken five bites of such-and-such healthy food. He's no longer living on snack bars and graham crackers. Also, his sleeping has improved and I think it's because he's not so hungry.

So, that's the background. Tonight at dinner, when John would remember to ask for his bribery chip (because, despite his extreme initial protest over the chicken and rice, once he began eating it, he really enjoyed it), we'd give him a shard and he'd declare it a BIG CHIP!


  1. He is precious! And what a great idea! Do whatever works. :)


  2. Elaine: Yes, when I said I had 3-1/2 inches taken off at the salon the other day, I meant that they were trimmed off my caterpillar-like eyebrows. ;)

  3. Ha! Theo does the initial protest thing, too. He actually really likes all the solids we give him (with the exception of peas), but EVERY time I sit down to feed him, he makes a horrible face with the first bite, as if I'm poisoning him. And then it's like, "Oh yes, I like this. I forgot about that." I suspect we may be bribing with BIG CHIPS one day. ;-)

  4. I don't know who is funnier---John or his parents. ;-)

    Our oldest was very picky and she used to eat "a bite for a bite"---same concept: something she liked alternated for something she didn't. But not chips. At 19, she still doesn't like them!
