Monday, October 13, 2008

Saturday in Atlanta

This weekend we traveled to Atlanta to celebrate Chris' parents forty-fifth anniversary. (Congratulations!) It was touch-and-go whether I'd feel comfortable enough to travel this late in my pregnancy and, while I'm very glad we went, I don't plan to travel anywhere else till after the baby arrives!

On Saturday I had the great treat of meeting my friend Elaine for a ladies of leisure breakfast while Chris and Pop-Pops took John to Stone Mountain Park. John at the pumpkin display:
And exploring an old train with Pop-Pops:
Then they rode a train around the scenic park:
In the afternoon, John's local cousins came to visit at the house. Chris and I essentially got to hang out and do what we wanted for hours on end because the girls are old enough to race around with minimal supervision (eight, seven, and three) and they kept John entertained. It was wonderful!
I was fascinated to watch John interacting with other and older children. He would essentially do what the girls' directed him to do and he didn't show any understanding of the moments when he wasn't treated fairly (as is unavoidable in groups of playing kids).

Here John was patting the chair, inviting his Mama to sit down next to him.
Blowing bubbles with Pop-pops:
Dinner to celebrate the wedding anniversary:


  1. what a lovely trip! congrats to your in-laws.

    it's so amazing how these boys are growing! Charlie's so big now that I just want another ;)

  2. I think I gave up traveling about 2 months before my due date, so you're doing pretty well.

    I love the video of John with his cousins. He's so intent on following their direction, but at the end when he walked away, it was like "okay, I'm done...I'm doing what *I* want now," but he was just so calm and sweet about it. :)

  3. Sorry we didn't cross paths.

    It's interesting to me to note the age when the young children start to feel slighted. It's always older than I expect it to be.
