Wednesday, October 8, 2008

John Zings Daddy

Okay, since I know Katherine would never post anything critical of her faithful husband on here... I will do it for her. The story is too funny not to share.

Yesterday afternoon, Katherine was in the master bedroom folding laundry on the bed with John "helping" her. ... I, working in the next room in my home office, decided to take a break and join them. John was up on the bed with the laundry and he started throwing clothes onto the floor. Seeing this, I sternly reprimanded him, saying, "WE DO NOT THROW CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR" and as punishment I put him on the floor and made him pick up the clothes and hand them to me.

After finishing this punishment, John toddles into the master bathroom, returning with daddy's pajamas, which were left lying on the floor in there after my morning shower. John then hands them to me saying sternly... "NO, NO, NO."

I looked over at Katherine who just quietly continued folding clothes but with a newly formed smirk on her face.

Touche, young John. ... touche.


  1. Ha! This gave me a great laugh for the day! :-)

  2. Thanks, honey.

    It was even *funnier* because Chris had just said to John, "We don't throw things on the floor because it hurts Mommy!" (because then I have to bend over, with my seven-month-pregnant body, to pick up said objects).

  3. Ha ha...good for John for standing up for Mommy then! No more PJs on the floor, Daddy!

  4. How funny!!!! I laughed out loud. John is amazingly smart, loving, and very obedient. I can't wait to see you all this weekend. Love, Grandmom

  5. Hysterical! They do learn by example, don't they!

  6. Awesome story. Thanks, Chris, for being a good sport.

  7. I LOVE it! This made me laugh out loud!

  8. This is hysterical!! Thanks for sharing this!
    Boy, they are smart, aren't they?!!
