Friday, February 1, 2008

The Many Expressions of John

We bought a Learning Tower! (Thanks so much for the birthday money, Nanna!) Last night Chris assembled it in the living room and then we put John in it to try it out. He began dancing wildly with joy.

Here is John this morning using one of his new expressions which he uses sometimes when he is pointing at something (asking for it) with emphasis. I haven't yet figured out fully what the expression means. Perhaps, "No, I really, really want it Mama!"
John interested:
John mildly pleased:
John asked for the spoon with which I had stirred honey and half and half into my coffee. He licked it and was disgusted:
Then he began dry heaving:
Poor John wasn't really happy in this photo. I think he is in the midst of a growth spurt (so probably feels extra hungry), is teething (possibly a dreaded upper first-year molar), and he had just received his first-ever cat scratch (on his forehead) after chasing the cat once too often. After about eight months of our trying to teach him to "pet gently," he still doesn't understand "gentle" at all.

I think John is in a growth spurt, heighth specifically, because he has been nursing much more often in the last couple of weeks and suddenly I notice he can reach things he couldn't reach before. Four weeks ago he received a red car from Grandpa and his feet didn't even touch the carpet, but now they rest flat on the ground. A couple of weeks ago, I began a puzzle safely up on a card table, out of John's reach, but now he can reach up and yank down my puzzle, such that I've finally given up and put it away. And the books on my bedside table were always safely too high for John, but now he can reach almost anything on the table, so I have nowhere else to hide my stuff. Harumph! Seeing one's child grow is fun, but simultaneously has frustrating implications!
Lastly: Happy Birthday, Dad! [this means Katherine's dad]


  1. I love the photo of him with his face all scrinched up...he looks so determined to get his point across!

  2. Hurrah for the Learning Tower! I love the color you choose. Very stylish and yet it will revolutionize your life (and John's)! ;-)
