Monday, November 12, 2007

Saint Mary's Basilica in Phoenix Arizona

On a recent business trip to Phoenix I spotted a very beautiful Catholic Basilica down the street from my hotel, so I thought I would share.

St. Mary's Basilica is the oldest Catholic Church in Phoenix and was built around 1915. I walked over to the church and found it to be open. I went inside and was amazed by the beauty inside. The nave of the basilica was adorned with traditional stained glass...

...and life sized statuary, including a very nice Pietà near the opening.

And, thanks be to God, the good Franciscans in charge of this treasure have rejected most of the shameful modernist architectural changes of the last 40 years. The altar rail and the high altar are still intact.

These attached photos include some taken by me on my cell phone camera and the higher quality ones were from their web site.

1 comment:

  1. wow! beautiful! thanks for sharing. On another note, my mom and dad just came back from Rome [I know you've been and can relate], but MAN, those churches there are incredible! for instance they went to the town where Padre Pio grew up...very small town...which had 2 churches. They were phenominal! and these people had literally *nothing* but what they did have went to build God's church. You'd never see that over here. "well we have...ummm...big stadiums". [drives me nuts!!]
