Following are three too-dark, mundane video clips of John on his tricycle. This is a neat tricycle I bought from my neighbor's garage sale. The tricycle starts out with "rocker bars" on the bottom, so the child just sits on it and rocks, as if on a rocking horse. In the second stage of development, the parent removes the rocker bars, but adds a long handle to the back of the tricycle: the child sits on the tricycle while the parent pushes him along the road. In the third stage, the parent removes the long handle and the child pedals himself along. The seat and foot pedals adjust to the growing size of the child. It's a pretty neat tricycle that carries the child about to age five.
I thought the tricycle was so far ahead of John's development that this morning I moved it from downstairs to John's nursery, where he doesn't play. But then when I took John into his nursery for a diaper change, he spotted the tricycle and couldn't take his eyes off of it, even pointing to it. When I sat him on the seat, he grabbed the handles and began rocking back and forth. So cute! I grabbed our video camera and taped three clips, none of which are as cute as when I first put him on the tricycle (of course).
Here is John on his tricycle:
Here you can hear John babbling a bit:
Here John felt like he was going to fall, which made him feel scared, so he "asked" me to help him get off the tricycle.
(John and I just watched these videos together and when John heard himself fussing at me on the video, he began panting with worry, then cried.)
I think Emma wants a tricycle now! She kept making the sign for "more" (which she also uses when she wants something), pointing at the tryke, while we watched these videos together. She smiled big at John too!!!