Sunday, August 5, 2007

First Big Swimming Pool

Today after Mass we took John to our neighborhood pool--his first real swimming pool experience.

These images were taken of John's first moments in the pool. Later after we swished him back and forth, he was kicking excitedly and smiling often.
When we returned home, I set John in his play pen while I got ready to bathe him (so many germs in a public pool!). He was really quiet and relaxed, lying there and reading a book!

Now John is taking a well-needed late afternoon nap!


  1. Some of my favorite photos of my children are from the pool. It is something about the blue water and the sun, they always come out great! Looks like you all had a fun day poolside. Swimming is so exhausting, John should sleep well tonight!

  2. No, John didn't benefit in his sleep. It took him 90 minutes to fall asleep at 10:30! So late. Then woke hourly.

  3. Darn those teeth! Hourly wakening sounds like teeth poking through...dealing with that myself right now!
