Thursday, July 12, 2007

Who Let the Dogs Out? Woof! Woof!

John has new shoes. Except for a few cute shoe outings when he was newborn, I've kept him barefoot lo these many months. But he's pulling up often now and showing the early beginnings of cruising, so we figured we'd get him some shoes. Of course, that means I wanted the fashionable (faddish?) Robeez, which are soft leather so that the baby can learn to walk. We weren't interested in paying $30 for a new pair of infant shoes, so we got this pair of creme shoes with puppy dogs on them for a great deal used on Ebay. While searching on Ebay, I could see how I could become gripped with collecting many, many cute pairs of Robeez.

John figured out today that he can jump in his jumpy seat. See video here and note how John uses his right hand to hold on and lets his left hand fly free like a rodeo rider.


  1. Your John just gets more handsome by the day!
    My boys have the fattest ankles courtesy of their mommy. lol The Robeez have elastic that is just too tight for them and leaves awful marks. I found similar, good quality shoes and cute ones as well at Target for about $12.50. Their elastic isn't as tight and they are a little wider. It works better for my budget and my babies feet.

  2. John has "hobbit feet" which are very wide. In his current 6-12 month shoes, he has at least a half inch in the toe but no extra room in the width.

  3. Oh bless his heart and yours!!! lol Hobbit feet are what my husband says I have and what John Joseph has. Shoes that fit are incredibly difficult to find, if not impossible to find. We are thinking of starting a CD for his feet, so that when he becomes a teenager and shoes become outrageously more expensive, we might actually be able to afford them.

  4. Someone beat me to it...I found some Robeez "knock offs" at Target that I think are just as good, and they cost a lot less.

    I love Robeez shoes (SO cute!!!), but I just can't justify spending what they want for them for an infant! Never thought to look on eBay...Once Upon a Child has them sometimes, but even they want over $20 a pair.

  5. We love Robeez! DS has two pairs: one with dinosaurs and brown sandals. They are so adorable and so good for their little feet! Easy to walk in, for sure.

  6. I was a rabid Robeez collector for the first two... thankfully most of them were purchased for $2 -$4 a pair at consignment sales... SCORE! Target knockoffs are just as good quality, they run a tad big though, so you might need to try them on for size rather than just grabbing one. Other soft-soled shoes that are cute include Shoo-shoos, Lil Jo's, Pedipeds, Peedoodles, Platypaws, etc etc.... you might find them at a good price on Ebay as well. Shoo-shoos are perfect for hobbit feet, as they are wider than Robeez.
