Monday, July 16, 2007

Sunday Photos

Photos on our way to church (me in my new favorite blouse, John in a great new shirt from Grandmom):

John's red hair shows up in these photos because they were taken outdoors.
Daddy and John photocopied their hands, a medium which I actually find to be precious!

John is falling from his pulled-up position much less often and is learning how to sit down. He often still needs help in sitting down, but he indicates that he wants to do so (which shows planning) and I think he's succeeded on his own twice. Also, he's learning to fall with fewer tears, saving the wailing for more serious head bonks.

At Mass on Sunday was the first time John has really noticed other babies! He was delighted by the two babies in the cry room and spent all of Mass standing on my lap peering at them and laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Look at that hair!!! Just think, if John and Emma ever got together in the future, they could have red haired babies of their own. :)
