Sunday, March 4, 2007

John Is Three Months Old!

Today is John's three-month birthday! He wore this adorable little man outfit to Mass.

At three months old, John is wearing a lot of 6-9 month clothing! His limbs aren't quite long enough, so I have to cuff the sleeves and hems, but his torso is just so big and his thighs so thick.

After Mass today we had friends over, Sarah and Dave, who have four children: ages 4, 2-1/2, 16 months, and 3 months. Our house is not yet child-friendly at all because our one and only isn't mobile. We cleaned up a little utility shelf we keep near the phone, about 24 inches off of the ground, in preparation for our friends coming over. We removed: a screwdriver, an ice pick, an Exacto knife, a buck knife, a pair of steel scissors, and a utility-sized tape dispenser with razor-sharp edge. I'd call out to Chris, "Oh, I think there's an Exacto knife in there. Be sure to get rid of that." He'd reply, "You mean the Exacto knife next to my buck knife?" We were in stitches! (Maybe you had to be there.)

1 comment:

  1. Well, nobody lost an eye so I think it was a success! Thanks again for having us! Just send us the bill for any damages. :-) We'll stick it in our debt snowball.
