Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Trinity of Lauers Go to Mass

Today we succeeded in taking John Francis to Mass for the first time. But we don't have a photo marking the first church appearance of the "trinity of Lauers" (as Fr. Novokowsky--who married us--said).

The drive was 45 minutes each way. I still sit in the back seat with John and I wonder how long "normal" mothers do that. I realized upon arriving at church when I finally got to take John in my arms again that I do not think he's been out of my arms for that long since he was born (as we also sleep together). I didn't like it!

I was ushered in as the newest member of the Cry Room Club. If I were braver, I could have joined Chris in the sanctuary for Mass, but I was too nervous about how adept I'd be at calming John if he began crying in Mass. The tiny cry room was crammed with 15 to 20 women and children throughout the Mass. It was a fascinating experience to be conscious of almost none of the Mass happening on the other side of the glass, yet to know that I was receiving graces for my attendance nonetheless. It was so difficult to concentrate with all the children around me in a 10' by 10' room, let alone with my own precious bundle dragging away my attention. No longer can I follow along in my missal or take notes on the homily! I suppose this is part of my new wonderful vocation!

John did start to crumble into tears after Mass and during the long drive home. Chris and I made the judgment call to keep driving instead of pulling over to soothe John. It was a rather exhausting morning, but a successful one!

John yawning

John has always been surprisingly alert for such a young baby (and early at that). He is spending more time in quiet alertness each day, and spent about 15 minutes staring at me today, as in the above photo.

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