Tuesday, December 26, 2006

International Jet-Setters

Are we square, suburbanite new parents or jet-setters? It's hard to know! This morning we managed to get all dolled up and take our darling son for our first family portraits at JC Penny. Then we ate out at a restaurant for the first time . . . well, it wasn't the Ritz, but it was the food court at the mall! Then we negotiated John in the stroller all the way across the mall to Macy's so Mom could buy some mascara. Buying mascara took an hour because John needed to nurse, but instead of bolting from the store in a panic like last time, we calmly pulled into the comfortable nursing room at Macy's. Driving home from our little outing to the mall, we felt like sophisticated jet-setters for our accomplishment!

So, is a baby allowed to be this cute?

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