Sunday, April 26, 2020

Self-Isolation Day #44

Sunday, Self-Isolation Day #44

We request continued prayers for my husband's mother D. She has been sick with COVID-19 for a month (now negative, but still sick), alone in the hospital for nearly that long, and is now on her second stretch of being on a ventilator in order to give her lungs support for longer while they heal.

Although David learned how to stump around on his cast, it exhausts him and it makes him need pain medication sooner, so we bought him a little tricycle to zoom around the downstairs. It arrived today and was absolutely delightful! A lot of the tiny tot riding devices we looked at would not have worked with a cast or would have spread his legs too far apart or would not have steered well, but this one seems perfect.

David calls it "mine best bike ever!" (he says mine for my). If you so much as look at it, he will warn you, "Don't ride mine bike! Don't ring the bell!"

Big Sister affixed a basket to the tricycle so that David can wheel around his doll Frankie or any other small treasures.

For Sunday, we enjoyed a special breakfast cooked by Chris, I got in some reading time, and we participated in Mass as best as we could under these strange lockdown circumstances.

Dressing up for watching the Mass

Chris took us to a favorite drive-through for Sunday supper and we sat outside enjoying the beautiful weather while the children played outdoors after rosary (over Facetime with his mom in the hospital, as Chris tries to arrange daily).

Bonus Reading for Posterity:

1 comment:

  1. Toddlers are remarkably adaptable creatures. He is probably walking better in his cast than I was in my walking boot two months ago.
