Sunday, April 19, 2020

Self-Isolation Day #37

Divine Mercy Sunday, Self-Isolation Day #37

We request continued prayers for my husband's mother D. The doctors have made the decision to put her back on a internal ventilator after five days on external ventilation.  Her lungs need support for longer while they heal. She has been sick for almost four weeks and alone in the hospital for three.

Thomas (4-1/2) draws us pictures all the livelong day. When I inquired about this one, he said, "Mama! You know who is in this picture!" It will be obvious to everyone, I'm sure, that you can see Steve; Mailbox; Slippery Soap (is that its name?); Magenta; Shovel and Pail; Salt, Pepper, and Paprika--and a random purple kangaroo jumping over the lot of them.

Delightful balloons

For a special treat, Chris supervised some of the children shooting the BB gun this morning.

Then we watched our Latin Mass live-streamed. I was amazed and pleased that all the children sat still through it all--sitting, standing, and kneeling, just like at Mass in person--and the two littlest boys quietly fell asleep with me in the back row.

I set out snackies in lieu of lunch while the family played a board game. I did curriculum planning for next year (exhilarating for me!), and we got take-out for dinner.

All was going well as I was in the back yard supervising the littlest boys playing when David fell off of the climbing dome and his screaming in pain for half an hour was way bigger of a reaction than falling from four feet merited. I suspect his leg might have gotten caught in the bars as he fell. He wouldn't put any weight on it and screamed for so long that even Chris (a normal dad, not a high-strung mama) said he'd never seen a child react that way and that he thought David needed to be seen.

I was extremely nervous about my being separated from David, so I called ahead to Urgent Care and was told that I would be allowed to stay with him, thankyouJesus.

The x rays do not reveal a fracture, but toddler fractures sometimes/often don't show up for up to a week, and the doctor thought it likely by behavior that David does have a small fracture. Regardless, he was given a splint, after which he cried out triumphantly, "I'm all better!" (He's not really all better and was still bursting into tears if I jostled his leg when we got home.)

The sweet children were so worried, they competed for who would get to come with me just to comfort David in the car (because the child who did come just stayed in the car alone during my appointment). When I got home, they all came to check on him and one child said, "I'm too worried to sleep, so I'm going to sleep in the boys' room to be near Dee-Dee." Melt this mama's heart!

Bonus Reading for Posterity:

1 comment:

  1. We continue to pray for your mother in law D’s recovery. She is a strong lady!

    Prayers that our NC governor will not delay in reopening businesses, especially small businesses. Hot spots like Mecklenburg County Charlotte perhaps opened slower with guidelines. I think the main thing for reopening is for the public not including the most vulnerable, the elderly and sick who should quarantine if they wish to feel safe and confident in doing so. Larger companies can follow the guidelines to make the work environment safe.

    Yes the hospitals are now underwhelmed.

    Yes it’s time to open up in an orderly way.


    PS Good article on why it’s safe to open up. Thanks for posting. Hope your sweet David is doing better.
