Monday, March 23, 2020

Self-Isolation Day #10

Monday, Self-Isolation Day #10

Increasingly concerned about an overreaching government, Socialistic financial fixes ("free everything! freeeeeeeee!"), and economic devastation from a cure that might turn out to be worse than the disease, I barely slept Sunday night.

I cut myself some slack on Monday while teaching school, knowing that a Mama as the heart of the home has to protect her stress level. At least our education will continue: all NC public schools are now closed until May 15, no matter what happens. Right now, we have better and better statistics and epidemiological studies and it is looking increasingly like, even if one comes in direct contact with a person positive for COVID-19, one has a 1% chance of contracting it and, of that 1%, only 1% will die. That's 1% of 1%.

As a culture, do we still know how to do any risk analysis at all? Or is the cry of "if I save even one life in the whole world!!!!!!!!" all we may repeat anymore without being labeled a craven, amoral beast?

I have decided to rejuvenate my Morning Basket Time, which will took an assassination hit when my oldest started sixth grade (last year). Here is what I'm trying to cover and it's been off to an enjoyable start:

Morning Basket Time, updated March 2020
Catechism:                  Character Calendar--Read day’s entry, ~3 mins.
                                    Baltimore Catechism--Read a few Q&As, ~3 mins.
Music:                         Sing one hymn daily for one week each, ~2 mins.
Penmanship:               CopyWorkBook: George Washington Rules of Civility
                                    --one page, ~5 mins.
Art appreciation:         Art Masterpieces Rhyme-Time Collection--study and read ~5 mins.
Poetry:                        TheHarp and Laurel Wreath--read 2 poems, ~5 mins.
Science:                      CreationSpeaks for Itself: If Animals Could Talk
                                    --read a few pages, ~5 mins.
 Total:                         30 mins.

M-Th:                         TAN History
F:                                 No Sweat Nature Study (every other week)

                                    Art--need to determine something! (every other week)

Rain has arrived for several days, which prevents the joy that is at least getting outdoors. Margaret is feverishly learning how to spin yarn from wool.

John got to attend his local Fraternus chapter online in the evening, which was a balm to the soul.

During this time of hugely packed pantries of whatever groceries were on the shelf during Chris' weekly outing, I am not actually planning meals. I dig through all our shelf-stable items each late-afternoon and decide what simple food to assemble. This night, I took two tubes of Pillsbury pizza dough, made one pizza and one tray of pinwheels (jar sauce + pepperoni), and cut up some apple slices. My husband was extremely supportive as always: He walked in for dinner and said to the children without a trace of sarcasm, "We are in for a real treat! Look what Mama has made for us!" And then he complimented the food as if it were good. That's one good fella!

Our precious Thomas (4) fell fast asleep during family rosary . . . the sleep of the innocent who are not anxious!

Bonus Reading for Posterity's Sake

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