This Thursday marked the last day of Scottish Country Dance for the year: parents of dancers and potential participants for next year came together to watch a recital.
It was loads of fun! For the first two dances, the dancers invited forward members of the audience to join in. Our Joseph (5) was invited to dance by K----- and he was a beaming sunshine of joy the entire time.
Everyone smiling at my Josey |
Margaret has caught on quickly for joining the dance class only a few meetings ago. I can't wait to see what she can do next year when she starts from the beginning!
John is such a pleasure to watch dancing, and I enjoy really seeing him become a young man.
Mary was off in the distance but I caught glimpses of her now and then!
Margaret invited Thomas to dance on the sidelines and he took his responsibility as her dance partner seriously, which was too precious.
We enjoy this dance group so much for its intergenerational socializing--people ages 7 to 100 dance together--its passing on of a cultural heritage, and its modesty of dress code. It's lovely and worth the 45-minute drive each way.
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