1. St. Valentine's Day
Last week, we were in the midst of influenza and I was going to skip St. Valentine's Day altogether, but the kids were distressed that they wouldn't receive my love notes. This tugged at my heart, so I put something simple together (the day before, since St. Valentine's Day prooper was also Ash Wednesday) with all that I had: white printer paper, markers, and some candy that was intended to take to CCE.
2. New Train Pieces
There has been renewed interest in our old and basic set of Brio train tracks (which I bought used when my first born was a baby!) because Joseph's godparents sent him a few special pieces for his baptismal anniversary. Such excitement for all!
3. Television Alternatives
I'm trying so hard to keep television reduced. We had just instituted a new (old) rule of no television during the school week when we got hit with illness for two weeks, and so that rule was temporarily suspended. Now we're back to the regular routine and the children have to be weaned off show again, which is especially hard when you're two-and-a-half years old and want to "WATCH POOH!" (Winnie-ther-Pooh!). I got out dried pinto beans and some stacking cups, and that's filled a good amount of time, as well as given us even more reasons for sweeping the kitchen floor.
We even got out the Play-dough one day, which I'm sure I haven't gotten out since before I had David six months ago.
4. David Turned Six Months Old
Speaking of, I put up a belated post about my sweet baby and his first two teeth: click here.
5. Back to School
After missing two entire weeks due to illness--an illness so hard that we actually couldn't do any school, which is unusual for homeschoolers--we got back to the grind this week. It's always a tough transition back, but I think we did pretty well and I was pleased with my kids' overall attitudes (although we certainly had our moments).
I also wrote a piece this week about why I love being a DIY homeschooler: click here.
First grader finished her science book for the year |
6. Helpers
My 9-year-old helped me manage my dental appointment with the baby in tow: it's such a blessing to have old-enough children to help in that way. (And I'm reminded, sorrowfully, that I used to schedule all my dental appointments for when Grampa Neil would visit, and he would sit in the van with all the kids, so I could go in alone. But, since he passed away, I am now coming up with new strategies.)
Does any other mothers of larger-than-typical families find it so hard for Mama to get to her own appointments? In the last few months, I have repeatedly had to reschedule my own appointments for dental, eye, and hearing check-ups, due to kids' illnesses, my illnesses, or babysitting falling through. Life happens!
7. Doughnuts
This week, we tried out the new mini donut maker I'd received for my birthday: so cute and fun!
Now, it is Lent, so we skipped any frosting or glaze on the doughnuts, and the recipe we used calls for only 1/4 sugar for about 25 mini donuts, so I considered that sufficiently Lent-ish. A double batch fed my family of six children.
Making the doughnuts was equally time-consuming as making waffles from scratch: not terribly hard, but I don't do it on a busy school morning. We'd make that kind of breakfast only on a weekend morning or on Wednesday mornings when we enjoy a late start.
Note that these donuts will be easier to make if you, too, have an eager 6-year-old standing by to trim off the edges.
For more 7 Quick Takes Friday, check out This Ain't the Lyceum.
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