Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Feast of All Saints 2017

Our parish homeschoolers' All Saints party was amazing this year! I can say that enthusiastically because I had nothing to do with its organization.

In case a reader missed our Halloween post (click here), our saint costumes were: Queen Esther, St. Sebastian, a duck, St. Juan Diego, St. Michael the Archangel, and St. Joan of Arc. I was dressed up as a Frazzled Mom who definitely did brush her teeth today but hadn't managed makeup or even brushing her hair.

We had a very large party some years ago, but then our party split off into other locations (a sign of success and growth), and the next year's party was itty bitty as a result. Slowly we've grown, and with some fresh blood as leadership, we had about 130 people in attendance this year! Charlotte has a thriving homeschool community, with three or four such All Saints parties at various parishes.

Each family brought a saint display: ours was on King David (since we had our own little David this year). Don't take my saint display as a good example, as the other mothers made really excellent and beautiful triptychs.

The associated game I created was a throwing game with the target being Goliath. The child could choose to throw a bean bag or shoot a Nerf gun into the hole.

Nerf guns are very fun for boys, especially, and it was fun to see the long line at our game.

My firstborn woke at a butterfly flapping its wings as it flew by (metaphorically), but #6 can sleep amidst the roar of 130 people enjoying a potluck lunch!

The fun and games began with a parade of saints in which each saint was named and intercession sought (e.g., "St. Juan Diego . . . pray for us). Then, while we were still all in a circle, we did a cake walk.

Then the kids ran free to read saint displays, play games, gather candy, and try to figure out the "escape room" (a concept I still don't fully understand, but it's based on all manner of tough clues, in this case, about the Catholic faith).

The most creative treats were these spiders on webs for Saint Felix. Wonderful!

I became too tired chasing a two-year-old while wearing a 2-month-old, so I strapped Thomas in and was so glad that he really likes coloring on paper, which makes him content.

At the end of the successful party, various moms and older children pitched in to throw away trash, wipe down tables, box up supplies, and sweep floors.

Keeping it real: I called my husband to order delivery pizza while on our drive home, announced that I could barely move my aching body, the littles are watching "Barney" episodes, and I will be using tomorrow almost entirely just to rest up. The moms who make this stuff look easy are . . . I don't know, other moms than me!

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9)

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