Thursday, August 17, 2017

Six Days Postpartum: Thursday

On Thursday, David had his frenectomy with our good Dr. M----- (who had a cancellation which I snagged, or the procedure would have been several weeks in the future). Chris drove our whole family and took the children to play at the park while David and I went to the appointment.

Snoozing before his frenectomy
The procedure went quickly--it's about one minute in its entirety. Mama still doesn't like hearing her newborn cry, of course!

Calmed down with Mama after the frenectomy

Resting at home with a wee bit of Tylenol--and a furrowed brow

David was clearly uncomfortable overnight, and had two stretches of wakefulness for two hours each, which is far longer than he's ever stayed awake before. But at least he wasn't wailing!

It's unlikely David will be able to nurse successfully 'right away.' It took our Thomas 9 weeks of hard work to learn how to nurse exclusively after his frenectomy, but it took our Joseph one day. It really depends on the baby's oral structure and strength. Meanwhile I'll keep pumping to bottle and counting my blessings that my supply is plentiful and my baby is gaining beautifully: those are two less worries I could have.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear that things went as well as could be. David looks so sweet all bundled up, and so content close to you. I am happy he is gaining well!
