Friday, May 12, 2017

{SQT} A Red Letter Week

1. Saturday

Last Saturday, John had the privilege of serving the annual St. Dominic Savio Mass to honor altar boys of the diocese, and then attending the always-fun reception.

Photo Source: Angela Shea

Photo Source: Angela Shea

Photo Source: Brian Williams, Liturgy Guy Blog

2. Tuesday

Both our girls placed in the PBS Kids Writers Contest 2017--click here if you want to read all about it!

3. Friday

Both John and Mary participated in Guild--Mary with her wrist in a cast and having to learn eight songs in the prior week! Click here to read all about it.

4. Messy Fun

An afternoon of painting, with all five!

First time painting

"Decrepit Crow" by Mary (8)

5. Scholastic Scenes

Joseph asked me to start giving him reading lessons, so I gave it a shot. We launched "All About Reading" Level 1, and sweet Josey read about six words in our first sitting. I love teaching reading!

Playing Go Fish to practice addition math facts up to ten

6. Miscellaneous Moments

New blower

Sunday evening baseball in the driveway

7. Bonus Reading

This week, I greatly enjoyed an article entitled "How to Raise an American Adult" by Sen. Ben Sasse (Nebraska), published in the Wall Street Journal (May 5, 2017).

This father passes on five principles he and his wife are using in raising their three children. I think it is bold for a parent with only young children to pass on advice--and a mistake I've made plenty--but Sen. Sasse makes self-effacing comments about how he and his wife are still on their parenting journey, which I think is a good safety net against the fall of pride.

1. Resist consumption.
2. Embrace the pain of work.
3. Connect across generations.
4. Travel meaningfully.
5. Become truly literate.

For more 7 Quick Takes Friday, check out This Ain't the Lyceum.


  1. Thanks for the peek at your week. That list of 5 tips...seems both revolutionary and completely common sense. I like it. :)

  2. That is so cool that your kids are in a writing contest! Ben Sasse is awesome <3
