Friday, May 19, 2017

{SQT} Popsicle Season

1. Wedding

On Saturday, we attended a traditional Latin Mass wedding and enjoyed visiting with old friends at the reception. I was chasing Thomas so much that the only photo I took was this cute moment of Thomas and his little baby-buddy Joseph sitting in a stroller together (for the brief moments when Thomas would still sit in a stroller).

2. Mother's Day

I enjoyed a lovely Mother's Day on Sunday (click here for more).

3. Cast Removal

Mary had her cast removed . . .

. . . and rushed home to try out her handwriting first thing with this love note to me.

We are delighting in her bustling about trying to wash dishes, and play her repertoire of piano and violin again. She's still restricted from climbing (e.g., trees, monkey bars) for three weeks--that's going to be tough for her!

4. Big Boy

When I don't get his early morning cereal poured fast enough, Thomas (21 months) tries to do it himself.

This week, Thomas mastered popping individual keys off of (various) computers and--even though he learned this word a month ago--the full and proper use of declaring "No!"

Right on time.

5. Popsicle Season

We are still chugging along with a full homeschool load, but it's also the season of fun musical rehearsals, lots of outdoor play time, blowing bubbles, eating afternoon Popsicles, and finding friendly snakes!

On Thursday, we allowed John to take off school to join the landscaping crew in spreading 150 bales of pine straw around our property (it's a Southern landscaping thing). This is one of John's favorite annual chores, and he worked for three hours straight, in the humid heat, declining even to come inside for lunch.

6. Modest Exercise Skirt

I share a modest exercise skirt I found for Mary from Kosher Casual.

When clothing five kids, I use a plethora of hand-me-downs and buy everything else at consignment and thrift stores that I can. However, for our daughters, there are some clothing items that are very difficult to find that meet our modesty preferences. This leads me sometimes to invest more money into single items to fill a specific need.

I've been buying uniform-style exercise skirts that are readily available at consignment stores at the start of each year (like this), but, even buying two sizes larger, they don't even reach the top of Mary's knees.

I found this exercise skirt at Kosher Casual, which caters to orthodox Jewish clientele, and Mary and I are so very pleased with it. It moves very comfortably, the cut is elegant, and it covers her knees without obstructing one Very Active Little Girl. For those seeking a similar product, I share this good find!

7. Bonus Reading

The Secret to Raising Honest, Obedient, and Holy Children by Dom Albam Baker (about Bl. Barbara Acarie)

Why Homeschool Moms Need a Sabbath Rest (and How to Get One) by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

For more 7 Quick Takes Friday, check out This Ain't the Lyceum (which today is a decidedly humorous story about taking five kids to the beach).

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