Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Field Trip: Historic Brattonsville

On Wednesday, we took school on the road to spend the afternoon at Historic Brattonsville, learning about the 18th and 19th centuries in the Carolinas Backcountry. Another family of friends joined us, which always makes such an outing more fun. Meanwhile, I was flying light because I left behind Margaret, who was feverish, and Thomas, who was napping.

Churning butter

Churning butter


Girls' academy school room


Spinning yarn
 My mom-friend kept the four kids ages five and younger to quietly roam about looking at animals . . .

. . . while I took the four kids ages eight and older on the trek through the woods learning about the Battle of Huck's Defeat.

It's a really wonderful tale to hear, but I was grateful for the benches along the path through the woods.

Baby boy and I resting on a bench while kids ran an extra loop on the trail

Spring is a time of many field trips! We have numerous more coming in the weeks ahead.

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