Monday, March 30, 2015

Margaret Is Learning to Read!

File this under "Grandparent Videos" (those interesting mainly to close relatives) . . .

Margaret, who turned four a couple of weeks ago, has started to read!

A couple of months ago, she began begging me for Reading Lessons. Every time I would say something like, "Honey, stay in your bed for Quiet Time. You can read this book," she would scream back, "No! I can't read yet! You haven't taught me!" She really understood that the big kids could do something she couldn't and she wanted to learn.

Also, I'm sure she suffers from wanting more attention. She knows that during School Time in the mornings, she has to go off and play in the Bonus Room and not bother us . . . that is, unless she can get me to carve out time for reading lessons.

So, I began using All About Reading Level 1 with her. (I know the Pre-Reading level exists, but I don't own it.) We've been going very slowly, taking many sit-downs to get through one lesson. She knows her letter sounds, but was stalled out at blending. Oh, blending! How quickly I'd forgotten the frustration of teaching blending over and over again before the 'light bulb' turns on for the child.

I'd seen glimpses of Margaret blending sounds to form a word, but today I witnessed the light bulb illuminate. She was reading words, and quickly too! Instead of needing to sound it out fifteen times, she'd sound it out two or three times before she could say the word.

I just love watching this learning phase. It is a true delight to me!

This second video was actually filmed first. Margaret was distracted by my filming, so doesn't do much reading, but I've posted it as a Real Life Snapshot in the homeschooling life. Note how Joseph (2) is right there in the mix, crawling around on the table, shouting out letter-sounds, insisting on holding Margaret's reading cards, and you can glimpse the wreck of a Bonus Room in the background.

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