Monday, June 2, 2014

First Weekend of Grampa Neil's Visit

I needed two low-key days to recover after last Thursday and Friday, so this weekend was lovely. We're enjoying Grampa Neil's visit!

Reading material for a few weeks
On Saturday, we went to the library intending to pick up Black Beauty on audio CD that had become available, but we decided to make a true visit of it and came out with seventeen books in hand. Now that John and Mary are reading, it is really a delight to me to see what books they choose. John picked non-fiction books about Rome, Samurai warriors, American national parks. Mary picked non-fiction books about the Titanic and Louis Armstrong. (It is a time-consuming task because we have a rule that Mama must quickly read each one before I approve it . . . we've been burned a few times choosing seemingly innocent titles that didn't fit with our values.)

Who needs to hire professionals? We have little workers!

I'd been promising the kids for weeks that one day they could put on their bathing suits and scrub down their play structure (of winter grime and spring pollen), so we got to that task. They had fun and did a decent job, so I "allowed" them to scrub the deck and outdoor furniture next.

This is how dads do it.

Chris can tell when cyclically I'm about to 'go off my rocker' with taking care of tiny tots during Mass. (And it falls to me because I'm the nursing mother, so Chris isn't going to be able to soothe my babies for a year or longer.) Thus on Sunday he suggested he take a try with the two little ones, sending me inside the sanctuary, to the very front row, with the two bigger kids: peace and bliss! He mentioned he was going to bring the stroller, which I thought odd because (I don't know about other churches or other Catholic parishes specifically) it is not our parish culture for parents to use strollers. Well, dads sometimes think outside the box, and he knew our Mass falls right at nap time but the littles can't nap so they're struggling with behavior. He strapped them in the stroller and walked them around the grounds for a few minutes, they fell asleep, then he parked the stroller in an empty cry room and proceeded to enjoy the Mass in peace! Brilliant!


  1. That was brilliant of your dear husband. And I think it was very kind of him to simply do it rather than criticizing you for not doing it. My husband and I have very different sorts of intelligence and he often sees a solution I do not. I appreciate it when he resists the urge to say "I don't know why you don't...) because when I am stressed that can feel very judgemental ? Hope you enjoyed the mass

  2. Daddies are always so good at thinking outside the box...

  3. And that is why God made mommies and daddies! We all bring our special talents to the vocation of parenthood. Sounds like you had a great first weekend with Grandpa. I'm curious as if to you only allow the children to browse the nonfiction section?

  4. Priscilla: Oh no, we browse all. Most books we checked out were fiction. I was mostly noting to myself their checking out a lot of nonfiction for the first time.
