Monday, May 12, 2014

Splish Splash

The scene: Harried mother is bustling about, making beds, directing this child to brush teeth, that child to get dressed, and so on.

Sound of splashing

Mother: "Margaret, are you doing water play in the bathroom?!"

Margaret: "No, I'm brushing my teeth!"

Splashing continues.

Mother rushes into the hallway bathroom to check, Margaret is brushing her teeth. Mother bustles on, herding children here and there, calls down the stairs to get Mary to stop playing piano and come get dressed.

Splashing continues.

Mother, calling down the hall: "John! You are doing water play! Stop it!"

John: "No, I'm not! I'm just getting dressed."

Mother continues bustling, guiding this child in making a bed, that child in picking up dirty laundry off the floor.

Splashing resumes. What is that infernal splashing?

Mother suddenly remembers she has a toddler. And where is that toddler?

Oh no.

Mother rushes into the master bathroom to find the 15-month-old has been splashing in the open toilet for the last ten minutes and is soaking . . . head to toe!


  1. oh!! yuck! Similar things have happened here... never had one play in the toilet before Sam. Now we have had to form some new habits to try and prevent that.
