Monday, November 11, 2013

Virginia: Day 3

Saturday November 9, 2013

Note: I will post any beautiful pictures of me dolled up at the wedding if they become available from the photographer (in a couple of weeks) in digital form. For now, I don't have any pictures.

And then came Saturday and the whole purpose of our trip: I was matron of honor in a wedding!

Some, but not all, of the luggage I needed to be prepared for the wedding day

It is no small thing to be a matron of honor in a wedding--and I had an easy job of it because the bride wanted a very simple wedding. Nonetheless, packing up all the belongings I would need for the day and coordinating Chris caring for the four children was a feat of organization!

Joseph hanging out with Mama during a hair appointment

Chris dropped off me and Joseph at the hair salon for an early appointment: the bride and I had our hair done up fancy! I had arranged for a teenager to come with us to hold my baby but Joseph would have none of it, crying his eyes out in protest. So, I held the little guy on my lap while I got dolled up and that's all he needed to be perfectly content.

While I was at the salon, Chris drove the three children to see Richmond's Monument Avenue. Then he met us at the church, where I handed the baby off to him and he got all four children dressed for the wedding.

The wedding was so beautiful and the bride radiant, elegant, and tasteful. I found it very meaningful to see a marriage starting with such a serious religious foundation. One of the beautiful things about a Catholic wedding ceremony is that the couple is married within the first ten minutes, then the first thing they do together as a couple is attend Mass! This was a solemn high Mass with a phenomenal sermon on marriage: inspiring and refreshing!

There were only two families in attendance with young children (a few teenagers also being present), and we sat together at the same table. It made for quite a raucous section of the reception room! And then there was the time Mary went missing and we searched for her throughout the country club . . . all ended well!

A great, but long, day ended peacefully with exceptional pizza take-out in our hotel room.


  1. We used to live on Monument Ave.! Not at the fancy end, the end with the statue of Arthur Ashe--not a a confederate hero. lol. Sounds like a fun trip!

  2. Sara: Is that right?! Yes, Chris later told me about the Arthur Ash monument and how out of place it seemed at the end of all the war heroes.
