Thursday, August 15, 2013

Assumption 2013

Happy Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We had quite an enjoyable celebration. It began with attending a (true) vigil Mass (versus an anticipatory Mass) in the old rite at our home parish--a true vigil Mass has its own readings that are in preparation for the upcoming feast. It was an extraordinarily beautiful solemn high Mass (priest, deacon, subdeacon) and we got to see the new violet vestments, which were breathtaking.

After Mass, which I guess about 300 people attended, most of the families stood around talking for an hour while dozens and dozens of children raced around on the grassy hill in the gathering dark.

Praying by the statue of Our Lady

On Thursday we made a day trip to South Carolina to attend the Assumption Mass in the old rite. We ran into some new friendly acquaintances we'd made recently, so went to lunch with them afterward. One is a jovial seminarian at the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and hanging out with one of those fellows is always very enjoyable! I already have at least two new book titles added to my reading list.

We didn't get home till five o'clock, but I'd done some dinner cooking early in the morning, so was able to finish the rest of the meal--a little fancier than usual. Dessert was loads of fun: diced pears cooked in lots of butter and topped with homemade whipped cream and homemade chocolate sauce. Certain picky members of the family ate a boring old ice cream sandwich, to which I say the refrain I learned from my mom: "Fine! More of the good stuff for me!"

From Divine Intimacy on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

"The Blessed Virgin Mary, whom we contemplate today assumed body and soul into heaven, reminds us very definitely that our permanent abode is not on earth but in heaven where she, with her divine Son, has preceded us in all the fullness of her human nature. . . . Mary's Assumption shows us the route we must follow in our spiritual ascent: detachment from the earth, flight toward God, and union with God. . . . The first requirement for attaining God is this total purity, the fruit of total detachment. The Blessed Virgin, who lived her earthly life in absolute detachment from every created thing, teaches us not to allow ourselves to be captivated by the fascination of creatures, but to live among them, occupying ourselves with them with much charity, but without ever letting our heart become attached to them, without ever seeking our satisfaction in them."

1 comment:

  1. such a lovely photo and lovely moment of the girls by the statue. xo
