Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Expensive Mischief

How "water resistant" will the baby monitor prove to be? So far it does not seem to have survived being washed by submersion in a sink full of water by a certain child spending Quiet Time not ten feet away from the mother of the house.

We are very glad that said child unplugged the device before washing it! A lesson about water and electronics not being friends has been added to our homeschooling lesson plan for the day.


  1. ooh, we had that lesson when Miriam sweetly washed my phone because it was dirty. but yes! Mary's guardian angel was on alert for that one!

  2. Why do I think the certain child happens to be the very one whose name is on the monitor?

  3. Oh MY!! Mary is such a rascal!! Max still does things like this often. Mostly, he tries to sneak smacks now, but he was very EXPERIMENTAL as a toddler!! So glad she is ok!

  4. We had an iPod Touch get dunked at the end of last week. >:-( Luckily (I guess?) it was the one over three years old that barely worked, but we were NOT pleased. This was definitely a child that should know better than to have it around water.

    Would the rice trick work with a baby monitor?
