Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday 2013

Why did she awake bright and chirpy at 5:30 a.m.?

This was my first and only formal family shot I took (with a timer) as the process was already so chaotic that I was quickly becoming snippy with my family. I decided that my being cross wasn't worth having a good photo!

After a fancy breakfast of brown sugar--oatmeal pancakes, bacon (which I burned black: notice a theme in my cooking?), fried eggs, and strawberries, we had an egg hunt inside the house due to inclement weather.

Opening gift baskets from parents and godparents

Our new weekly Latin Mass is at 12:30, which is a bit of an awkward time but we are becoming accustomed to the shift in our Sunday routine.
After Mass, we enjoyed an extended time of visiting with friends at church, the children all racing around happily on the grassy hill. Then we came home where the children played outside under Daddy's supervision while I cooked dinner.

Laughing at her brother's antics

Today was one of the rare holidays in the last seven years when I was hosting, I was not pregnant, nor did I have a toddler, which is, in a sense, more difficult than a two-month-old whom I just strap on all day and forget about. These factors meant that I was able to clean and cook! I am grateful for the opportunity.

My dinner menu was: meatloaf, deviled eggs, mashed Yukon gold potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese (from the deli), green bean casserole, strawberry-spinach salad with homemade dressing, rolls (from the bakery), raisin pie (from the bakery), cherry pie (by Grandmom), and cheesecake (store-bought).

Dinner with Grandmom and Pop-Pops visiting from Atlanta

It was a very long day, especially for a certain two-year-old who woke at 5:30, had no nap, and ran outdoors at length. She couldn't stay awake through dinner!


  1. Happy Easter! We had our egg hunt outside between rain storms... and one of the kids did it with a 103 fever. Good times, good times.

  2. Oh my goodness...that video is precious!
