Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Bicycle Rack

Some months ago, we saw at a friends' house that they had a real bicycle rack in their garage for the children's bicycles. We thought it was so fantastically organized! I figured a bike rack must cost hundreds of dollars and wondered when such a purchase would ever make it to the top of our priority list.

Turns out that home versions of bike racks cost as little as fifty dollars on Amazon!

So, recently my compulsion to keep especially the upstairs rooms of our home very clean and neat in anticipation of the baby coming ("IS THAT A SOCK ON THE FLOOR? I CAN'T HAVE A BABY WHEN THERE ARE SOCKS ON THE FLOOR.") has expanded to the garage. I ordered a bike rack, it arrived last night, and this morning the children and I sat down to assemble it. (See, part of my late pregnancy neurosis is having little patience to wait for Chris' help, for example, to have assembled this rack at the end of his work day. The garage was messy . . . right now. Thus, I had to fix it right now because we certainly can't have a baby when there are bicycles askew.)

I imagine it was a bit humorous to watch an eight-month pregnant woman hauling herself around on the garage floor, surrounded by three tots "helping" me assemble this thing.

Doesn't it just make you feel like everything is right in the world? 

Ahhhh, so now I can relax a bit more about the garage.

Except, wait . . . the two-month supply of paper products I bought yesterday is sitting on the kitchen floor, needing to be unpacked, organized, and stacked in my Paper Supply Storage Area. Because I certainly can't have a baby if there are paper towels sitting on the floor in the corner . . .


  1. You are cracking me up! Hilarious! This baby better come soon before you take on any more projects! :-)

  2. Hahaha Where do you find the energy for all this organizing??? I've felt very similarly the last week or so. Needing peace and quiet. Finding the disorganization infuriating... but I have NO energy to do anything about it. So, my house stays disorganized and loud, and I go a little more crazy everyday. :)

  3. Anna: I should be clear: my body is quite schizophrenic right now! Without much warning, one moment I feel utterly sick and incapacitated and must drop everything. Sunday and Monday, I stayed in my pajamas (which is unheard of for me)! And then at other times, I have a burst of energy and must start organizing and cleaning. But then I crash and curl up on the couch, ask Chris to prepare dinner, and don't have the voice even to pray the family Rosary. So, it's coming and going in waves for periods of hours.

  4. Pajamas? you must have been tired. ;)
    Seriously, all is right with the world now. I love it.

  5. LOL You are too funny! I would LOVE to have one tenth of the amount of nesting "compulsion" you have. I do love the idea of a bike rack, though. We have quite a few bicycles and trikes that need a good place to live on our carport.

    And I love Mary's braids!

  6. Ha! This post made me laugh out loud!!
