Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Where's Boxer?

The temperatures are dropping, the air is crisp, so this is the time of year boxer turtles hibernate (I don't think it's technically a true hibernation, but let's use that word for ease). My friend was at a local state park so she spoke to one of the wildlife experts there on my behalf with my questions. Also I've done some reading about how to aid in the hibernation of an outdoor pet boxer.

Apparently he will slow down, stop moving as much, and stop eating (first cutting back on his protein, then even on his veggies). I definitely noticed this the week before we left for Charleston, when most days he didn't touch his food. One day I put a live wiggling worm (his favorite food) in front of his face and he didn't move, just watching it squirm away. I read that their digestive system needs to empty out before hibernation, so they stop eating. The wildlife specialist gave me a tip via my friend that I should not be picking up Boxer to place him by his food (which I was doing each day), just to place the food near him and leave him alone to choose to move. Otherwise, he might be beginning the hibernating process and I'll have disturbed him in his stillness.

I also read that I was supposed to make sure his habitat is easy in which to hibernate. I loosened the soil all around with a spade, having read that some hibernating boxers have been found two to three feet underground! I placed some logs and his box upside down in case he wants to go under there. I added fresh, crunchy leaf litter under which he can hide. Some days I'd watch him sit in the same place for 48 hours straight, awake with eyes darting, but not moving. Then the weather would warm up and he'd move somewhere else.

Today I went to feed him and freshen his water, and it took me a while to find him. (Clue: he's in the lower-left corner of the picture, near the fresh green leaf on which I placed his mash of hydrated turtle pellet food. His little eye is visible beneath a leaf. EDIT: I've discovered that one can't magnify the photo above enough to find him, but he's there!)

I'm hoping to see him hibernate soon! Should be an exciting transition!


  1. You may not be able to spot him in the photo. I wasn't able to enlarge the photo enough from the blog to find him. I found him by stooping down and seeing his red eyes watching me beneath some leaves.
