Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Backpacks

Now I have experienced firsthand seeing children's joy at NEW BACKPACKS. It was tremendous.

These were the only backpacks without cartoons that I could find at Wal-Mart, so it was good the kids liked the designs so much.


  1. Be sure to look inside the back packs if you can't find something, anything you're looking for - be it a library book or a vegetable peeler. Oh the things that have made their way into the back packs in my house. :)

  2. So sweet! I've been waiting and waiting for L.L. Bean to have a backpack for my "green" boy. Alas, they are stuck in the blue/pink/red cycle.

  3. I concur with Sarah...if anything seems to have gone missing in your house, be sure to check the backpacks! I've found all manner of items in Emma's over the years!

  4. Courtney, not sure if you know this but, Kelty makes a backpack called the Grommet that comes in a green. We have Kelty backpacks for the kids and really like them.
