Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Boys' Weekend

Chris and John were in Buffalo, NY, for five days and that was a long time! As soon as they left, I was quite regretting that I thought I'd be okay with a whole five days away from my little boy in particular. I think the only other time I've been away from him that long was when my mother died.

John had been very excited about the trip and had packed himself a little valise with his favorite stuffed animals (including Lambie, given to him when he was born) and his statue of St. Joseph. I just about cried when I was later straightening his room and found he'd forgotten his suitcase behind. Thankfully, I think he was having so much fun that he didn't even notice.

At Cracker Barrel for dinner with Daddy 

Touching the ceiling at the hotel 

John drew a picture of himself and Daddy at Niagara Falls in anticipation of visiting there. 

My precious sleeping boy! What a picture to make a lonely Mama cry. 

The weekend was one of running around with lots of kids, playing back yard games, swimming, and basically having the best time ever.

After attending a wonderful traditional Latin Mass with his new friend (whom he called "brother") Andrew and Daddy, and getting his first-ever tour of the sacistry, John got to see Niagara Falls!

 Stopping at New River Gorge on the drive home

On the last day, John drew a picture of his arms outstretched ready to hug Mama when he arrives home. Chris swears he did not put up John to drawing this picture.

An interesting aspect of the five days was having a flash back to a mere couple of years ago when I had only a three-year-old and a one-year-old. Looking at other mothers at that stage right now, sometimes I think, "What exactly takes up all the time?" Yes, well, I had a sound reminder of the answer this long weekend! How quickly I forget! Five-year-olds are truly useful! John does chores for me now that he can actually do on his own or almost entirely on his own and they're actually help me. John assist in emptying the dishwasher twice a day, he sets and clears the table three meals a day, he vacuums, and he cleans the bathrooms--and he occupies little sisters!!! It takes so much adult focus to keep a three-year-old and a one-year-old occupied and they can't be left unsupervised! I hope it means that Chris and I are doing some parenting right that, on a purely pragmatic level, it is a bit harder to have my five-year-old gone from the house than at home with me.


  1. Can you imagine, that is the age when most moms send their child off to school all day? Wow.

  2. I didn't know Chris had relatives in Buffalo! My whole family is from there, so I've visited many times. I have such fondness for that region. It gets such a bad rap as a "distressed city," but it really has a lot of lovely parts, and the people are so warm and friendly. Hope the boys had a good time!
