Sunday, April 1, 2012

How Old Exactly?

This week, I had cause to be looking over an official document that had my age in years printed on it. I thought to myself, "That isn't right. How odd. I'm not that old yet!"

What is funny is that I've been giving my age wrong, apparently, for months.

I thought I was a year younger than I am.

I'm pretty sure that being mistaken about one's own age for months is official evidence that one is getting old. I liked it better when I thought I was a year younger!

Of course, perhaps sheer fatigue plays a part in my being scatterbrained . . . Chris noted in his frequent hotel points program that he's stayed in a hotel 29 of the first 91 nights of this year. I knew it wasn't my imagination that he's gone very often!


  1. Being tired could account for forgetting your age. I do the same thing, and I think it's because I no longer care how old I am! Well, I don't particularly relish the getting older part, but I'm no longer excited about that next birthday the way the kids are.

  2. All last year I thought I was a year older. I totally get it. I always have to calculate in my head (every.single.time) based on the year (which is why I was mistaken, last year, until my birthday in August. ha)

  3. Oh, and I know why. Didn't you have a pretty hectic birthday? There was no "switch over" in your brain this year! No party or event to make you reflect on the newly acquired number and try it on. :) Easy to forget!

  4. Sarah: Good memory! See, you're right. That's just it. I was all discombobulated.
