Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's Going So Fast!

Margaret is up to crawling at medium speed now: steady pace and she can crawl all over the house. I actually have to shut doors now or she makes a beeline for the open door to go exploring (sometimes fine, sometimes not). This may be the first baby with whom I don't use baby gates, simply because I don't know how I'd manage them with 3- and 5-year-old kids also needing to move about the house: so, that will be interesting for me to figure out.

Two days ago Margaret stood by herself and held it for two seconds. You should have seen her beaming with accomplishment.

Then today I was mopping in the kitchen and noticed the baby crawling away to explore. Upon hearing delighted cackling beyond the dining room and around the bend, I went to investigate and Margaret was very much trying to make her way up the stairs.


She is eight months old tomorrow. Where did my little baby go? Each baby seems to be growing up at more lightening speed than the last one!


  1. I feel the same way! It's just zipping by now. Makes me sad, but it's so much fun to have three movers and shakers too.

    I love Margaret's smile in these picture!

    About baby gates: we use walk-through gates now. The older boys can open them easily, but they slow the toddler down a little. Are those an option for you? Mary and John should be able to easily climb over the typical gates too, I'd think. We abandoned the climb over style, however, since the baby tried to scale them at 8 months and fell headfirst onto our hardwood floors. That was NOT fun!

  2. Wow! Everytime I see Margaret sitting or crawling in your pictures I have to remind myself that Lucy won't be far behind (she's 5 months now). I don't think any of mine crawled before 9 months, though.

    We have wooden swinging gates. All of the children except Mary Elizabeth have strength enough to open and close them.

  3. She's so adorable! The time really is flying- I honestly remember you telling us you were pregnant like it just happened!
