Saturday, July 23, 2011


I got some great scores at the biannual mega-children's consignment sale, including this like-new Jumperoo. (Later we figured out how to adjust the height so Margaret's feet touch the ground.)

Who knew that a baby toy would be so entertaining for children two and four, but I can't keep them away from playing with its doodads.

Handing Margaret a random anything to keep her quiet while I was washing dishes


  1. We had that same Jumperoo! I just gave ours away to some friends who are expecting their first child.

  2. Janeane: I had perused Jumperoos online to buy new and this was the one I wanted. I was told at a consignment store that the Jumperoos come through rarely and are snapped up "like that." So I was thrilled at this consignment sale (40,000-square-foot warehouse), there were all of four Jumperoos, one of which was the exact one I wanted and in like-new condition.

  3. It's a great one. My mom bought it new for Emma several years ago, and Em just LOVED the thing. She'd even sometimes fall asleep in it!! Jamie, however, was not at all keen on it...he much preferred hanging out in the Ergo with me all day.

    Excellent find!
